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Hawaii Relationship Coaching

Coaching is Different from Couples Therapy

When we can’t make our partner happy… we stop trying. Yet everybody wants to be happy. 


We view relationships differently from other relationship folks. We take a very hands-on, going forward approach. Our sessions start out the 4 of us together to figure out goals and where the issues lie. Then we tailor the session to the needs/goals with either individual work to work on specific triggers or we stay together to work through an exercise to learn to fight better. Our work with couples is very hands on and specific to the issues that cause communication break downs and recurring conflict. Most couples work from 1-3 sessions so within 30 days the relationship is headed in the right direction.


Work one-on-one with a Relationship Coach. Relationship problems are about individual struggles. Walking on eggshells or trying to control the relationship so they don't leave. Become strong again. Start with communication. 


















Work With Your Own
Personal Relationship Specialist
book cover.jpg

HI Now TV Segment Interview

Get Over A Relationship Or A Divorce 

Hurting from a relationship? Break up pain registers as similar to physical pain in the brain. Can't eat, can't sleep. We can help. Time heals break up pain. Move the timeline and reframe that old relationship to move on and heal.


Repeating the same mistakes?  Break ups are isolating, confusing, and painful. Stop ruminating.  Find lasting, healthy love and respect. Be appreciated and valued.

Switching out one failed relationship for another isn't the solution. Get the relationship right on the inside first, then attract healthy relationships. No longer deal with defensiveness and triggers. 


Dating: Always Picking "Mr. Wrong"?

Repeating the same relationship mistakes over and over? Toxic Relationship?  Over time passion fades. Feel like roommates instead of lovers?  Studies show relationship bliss leads to a longer more satisfying life. 

Buy The Couples Rulebook at Amazon


The Couples Rulebook
on Amazon
Print or Kindle

Relationship Issues 

  • Trust and confidence in the relationship, infidelity, self-love

  • Relationship Coaching, Marriage Counseling

  • Relationship Advice and Decision Making

  • Feelings of anger, fear, insecurity or jealousy

  • Intimacy Issues, Problems in the Bedroom

  • Divorce recovery and finding your happy 

  • Go from criticizing and complaining to effectively communicating 

  • How to get over a past relationship and feel more optimistic about the future 

  • Learn how to get out of a bad or unhealthy relationship, relationship problems, trouble in marriage

  • Commitment issues, pushing people away

  • How to find the one and create a loving relationship

  • Decide what you are looking for in a healthy relationship and attract true love 

  • Confidence to go out and date new people, newly single, be approachable, dating confidence   

  • Shyness and being the nice guy who finishes last 

  • Relationship frustration and downward spirals, don't let anyone treat you poorly

  • Challenges of a divorce or break up, death of a partner

  • Codependency Issues versus being ok as a single

  • Reigniting emotional connection, enjoy each other again, reignite the spark

© 2025 Hawaii Hypnosis Center & Relationship Coaching

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The information provided on this site is for informational and educational purposes. We are not physicians. We are not counselors, psychologists or psychiatrists. Clients who seek our services are looking for alternative help to reach their goals. Nothing contained in this site is or should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This site and its services do not constitute the practice of medicine. Users should always seek the advice of a physician with any questions regarding their health or medical conditions. Never disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical advice or following the advice of a physician or counselor because of something you have seen or read on this site. Please consult a physician before beginning any program or making any adjustments in your healthcare, diet, and /or lifestyle. Do not remove yourself from any prescribed medications or treatments without consulting your doctor.  Hypno-Coaching is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. We do not imply, suggest or claim these comments represent a typical result as results vary depending on age, gender, lifestyle, physical activity and individual commitment and motivation to achieve a desired result. Be sure to check out third party sites for additional client reviews and testimonials.

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