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Stop Smoking - Ask About the Service Guarantee

So Many Reasons To Quit Smoking

Smokers spend thousands of dollars every year on cigarettes. According to the American Cancer Society, smoking cigarettes leads to death of half of the people who use it. Smoking is the top preventable cause of death in the U.S. The Center for Disease Control reports 13% of Hawaii residents smoker or vape. Ready to quit smoking?

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Check Out The Stop Smoking Video

So many products and services claim to help people quit smoking. It is confusing to sort out all of those statistics, figures, and even some outlandish claims. Our Center has been helping people quit smoking since 2006. The best testament to our Stop Smoking Program are our successful former smokers.

A 2001 study by the University of Washington School of Medicine found that 90% of smokers who quit using hypnosis were still non-smokers at 6 months. Research the success of smoking cessation programs. Call for your free phone consultation to quit smoking and we will explain the Service Guarantee and success rate. We follow up with EVERY non-smoker that goes through our program. 

Ask yourself: What have I tried that has actually dealt with the reason that I smoke? Am I just prolonging my habit?  What replaces my old habit with a new healthy habit that doesn't include nicotine?

There’s nothing good in cigarettes - just cancer causing chemicals.

Cigarettes lie about relieving stress, relaxation, or coping with anything.

They’re a bad friend.

Save thousands of dollars by stopping smoking. Add years of life. Save on life and

health insurance. Don't be a slave to the smoking habit.

One-to-One Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

Advanced one-on one sessions by a Stop Smoking Specialist. Sessions are personalized because everyone's habit is unique. Our Center has helped thousands of non-smokers for over 17 years. 

How Can We Help You Quit Smoking?

Most people struggle with stop smoking because of the habit. Our process is not magic, we help you to understand the habit and how to be a successful non-smoker.  Call today to find out if our program  will work for you. 

Will I gain weight when I quit smoking?

Nicotine does stimulate the metabolism, about 100 calories per pack. The 3-4 pounds that a person might pick up after stopping smoking is mostly water weight from the cells of their body becoming hydrated. Address the temptation to reach for food by substituting healthier behaviors instead. 

Can I just listen to audios to stop smoking?

The effectiveness of general audios is that they aren't addressing the specific nature of your smoking habit. The audios have a much lower success rate. Even if the program is guaranteed, it can be difficult to get your money back and a lot of time and money wasted drawing out the habit. Keep local dollars here in the state. Check out our referrals and testimonials.

Quitting Smoking Doesn't Have To Be Hard

  • no habit substitution

  • no cravings

  • no lashing out

Kamaʻāina Stop Smoking Testimonials


Laura, Smoke free after 50 years

I picked up cigarette smoking at 12 years old. Right after my 62nd birthday I met an angel at Hawaii Hypnosis Center. I put out my last cigarette and threw my pack away. The best part was I came out a non-smoker. I do not know how the process works. I just know that it does. I cannot find words to tell you how great my feelings of gratitude are.


Brenda E., Kicked the smoking habit 

Cigarette smoking lasted over 40 years of my life and after countless times trying to stop, it always turned out the same. Sometimes I could go for a few days, a few months, and a couple of times, even a few years, but it would always start again. Since November 2007, I have been free of this disgusting habit once and for all. There were no withdrawals or edginess that one normally experiences when stopping and was even able to lose a few pounds. Hawaii Hypnosis Center is highly recommended by me for professionalism and very successful hypnosis treatment which enabled me to stop smoking and gave me the ability to be a non-smoker for the rest of my life. 


Phil L., A former smoker for 25 years

I am glad I used hypnosis to stop smoking. After smoking for 25 years and numerous attempts to quit smoking, I found Hawaii Hypnosis Center in January of 2010 and I have been smoke-free since. I believe I would still be smoking without your help. Since I quit smoking I have felt the difference in my health. I can't thank you enough for the gift you have given me. 


Tina Ott

I still find it hard to believe that I have been a non-smoker since October 5, 2011. You changed my life that day and definitely gave me a healthier life style. I can breathe fresh air, don’t smell like smoke, no longer waking up coughing like crazy, my teeth are much whiter and all the money I have saved. I am a non-smoker and will never smoke again and I have become a true believer in the power of hypnosis. I started playing with cigarettes around the age of 13 and after time I was smoking as much as 2 packs a day. I tried so many times to quit. I was able to quit smoking when I was pregnant with both of my children, but  then I started again.


Cheri C., A former smoker for 39 years

I became a non-smoker on March 9, 2011 and my past habit of nearly 40 years was finally over. During the session I heard everything said to me and I remember just sitting in the recliner relaxing. I have no desire for a cigarette what-so-ever. I used to smoke about a half a pack-a-day. Hypnosis feels great and I’ve used hypnosis to work on other goals like minimizing my stress level and my drinking. Thank you! 


Verl S.Former pack-a-day smoker

It was easy to stop smoking with the hypnosis. If I knew it was going to be this easy I would have quit smoking years ago. 


C.C., Happy and healthy after stop smoking through Hawaii Hypnosis Center

Smoke free and loving it. The next morning I woke up and felt fine; no cravings. A few days later I got frustrated about something and I picked up a cigarette and so I went back for another stop smoking session and I haven’t smoked since. I was smoking about half a pack to a pack a day.

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The information provided on this site is for informational and educational purposes. We are not physicians. We are not counselors, psychologists or psychiatrists. Clients who seek our services are looking for alternative help to reach their goals. Nothing contained in this site is or should be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This site and its services do not constitute the practice of medicine. Users should always seek the advice of a physician with any questions regarding their health or medical conditions. Never disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical advice or following the advice of a physician or counselor because of something you have seen or read on this site. Please consult a physician before beginning any program or making any adjustments in your healthcare, diet, and /or lifestyle. Do not remove yourself from any prescribed medications or treatments without consulting your doctor.  Hypno-Coaching is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. We do not imply, suggest or claim these comments represent a typical result as results vary depending on age, gender, lifestyle, physical activity and individual commitment and motivation to achieve a desired result. Be sure to check out third party sites for additional client reviews and testimonials.

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