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Stopping Smoking Doesn't Have To Be Hard

Updated: May 19, 2021

If you’ve ever tried to stop smoking using patches, gum or other nicotine replacement methods, you know that it generally doesn’t make the process of quitting much easier. There’s more going on than just nicotine delivery. In fact, nicotine clears your system in only a couple of days. So why do people who stop smoking using patches or gum report that their desire to smoke continues long after the chemicals are gone?

One of the main reasons is that smoking is a powerful HABIT not an addiction. Think about it. If you smoke a pack a day and each cigarette is about ten puffs… then you’re drawing your hand to your mouth about 200 times a day. What else do you do 200 times a day?

You’ve got to break the habit and stop smoking. That’s where hypnosis comes in. By helping you understand the habit and how you’ve reinforced the mental messages over the years, a certified Hawaii Hypnosis Center Smoking Cessation Specialist can help you achieve the goal through our specialized Stop Smoking Program. 

cigarette butts

And if you’ve ever quit smoking for months or even years and then returned to smoking, why is it you feel like it’s even harder to quit smoking the second, third or fourth time around? First, you’ve started reinforcing that smoking habit again and you’ve linked up some new reason for smoking – for example, “I was doing really well until X happened.” Now your subconscious mind not only has a HABIT to break, it’s got a REASON you have to overcome for the habit you have to break. Secondly, when you stop smoking and fail, you’ve built the neural pathways for that failure behavior. Basically, you’ve reinforced the difficulty instead of reinforcing the success.

Hawaii Hypnosis Center can help you stop smoking because our unique Stop Smoking Program addresses the misconceptions you’ve created in your own mind and gives you the power to overcome the reinforced habit. Disclaimer: Individual stop smoking results may vary. Call for free stop smoking consultation

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